
Winners of Best Student Paper Awards

Ranking order from lower to the highest:

  • Microfluidic electrochemical sensor for heavy metal detection using pyrolytic carbon electrodes and valveless micropump
    P. Zhou, T. Zhang, Y. Xu, T. Simon, T. Cui
    University of Minnesota, US
  • A tetherless microdriller for maneuverability and on-board cargo delivery inside viscoelastic media
    T. Wanga, D. Yanga, J. Chena, J. Chowb, Y. Hua, K. Hoangb, A. Ansaria
    aGeorgia Institute of Technology, US; bEmory University, US
  • A doppler and B-mode hybrid ultrasound tracking method for microcatheter navigation in noisy environments
    M. Zhang, L. Yang, H. Yang, L. Su, L. Zhang
    Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR, CN