Information for authors of accepted papers for MARSS2020 (canceled due to COVID pandemic)

As you know, MARSS2020 was canceled due to the pandemic restrictions after all submissions had been reviewed and the notifications of acceptance sent. Unfortunately, you did not have the opportunity to present your accepted paper and discuss your work with your peers at the conference. For this reason, MARSS2022 Organization Committee decided to make the following offer to all authors of accepted papers at MARSS2020: You may present your up-to-date work at MARSS2022 in a technical session (oral presentation, 18min) without re-submitting a paper to MARSS2022 and, consequently, without going through any reviewing process.

Please inform the Organization Committee by June 20, 2022 (strict deadline), if you would like to use this offer and present your work at MARSS2022 without submitting a paper. In this case, provide the title of your talk along with the authors’ names and their affiliation (mark the presenting author). If you are interested in receiving a formal invitation to deliver “Invited talk” at the conference, the Organization Committee will provide such invitation letter upon your request. Please fill in the letter template and send it to Be aware that 1) MARSS2022 registration fee cannot be waived or discounted for anybody, including all Chairs, Plenary speakers, Invited speakers, and others, and 2) the designation “Invited talk” won’t appear in the conference Technical Program.