Nominations for MARSS2022 Best Student Paper Awards
(alphabetical order)
- A predictive model of seal condition in automated patch clamp system
S. Yang, K.W.C. Lai
City University of Hong Kong, SAR, CN - A doppler and B-mode hybrid ultrasound tracking method for microcatheter navigation in noisy environments
M. Zhang, L. Yang, H. Yang, L. Su, L. Zhang
Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR, CN - Data-driven feedforward hysteresis compensation with genetic algorithm for atomic force microscope
N.A. Saadabad, M. Kangül, S. Andany, A. Karimi, G. Fantner
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH - Evolving morphologies for locomoting micro-scale robotic agents
M. Uppington, P. Gobbo, S. Hauert, H. Hauser
University of Bristol, UK - Microfluidic electrochemical sensor for heavy metal detection using pyrolytic carbon electrodes and valveless micropump
P. Zhou, T. Zhang, Y. Xu, T. Simon, T. Cui
University of Minnesota, US - A tetherless microdriller for maneuverability and on-board cargo delivery inside viscoelastic media
T. Wanga, D. Yanga, J. Chena, J. Chowb, Y. Hua, K. Hoangb, A. Ansaria
aGeorgia Institute of Technology, US; bEmory University, US - A hybrid nanorobotic manipulation platform: a sharing holder between a Cs-TEM and an SEM for micro to sub-nanometer fabrication
W. Zhanga, D. Chena, C. Houa, R. Shaob, Z. Yangc, L. Donga
aCity University of Hong Kong, SAR, CN; bBeijing Institute of Technology, CN; cSoochow University, CN - Imaging and control of nanomaterial-decorated micromotors
A. Aziza, R. Naubera, A. Sánchez Iglesiasb, L.M. Liz-Marzánb, O.G. Schmidtc, M. Medina-Sáncheza
aLeibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden, DE; bCIC biomaGUNE, ES; cChemnitz University of Technology, DE - Machine learning-based real-time localization and automatic trapping of multiple microrobots in optical tweezer
Y. Ren, M. Keshavarz, S. Anastasova, G. Hatami, B. Lo, D. Zhang
Imperial College London, UK - MEMS bimorph fiber-gripping actuators
M.S. Islama, S. Challaa, M.H. Yassinb, S.S. Vankayalac, J. Beharica, C.K. Harnetta
aUniversity of Louisville, US; bUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US; cGayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, IN