The International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2025) will take place from 10th to 12th September 2025 at the University of Birmingham, UK. It will include keynote presentations by internationally renowned researchers and industrialists, as well as papers from academia and industry, exploring all core areas of advanced and digital manufacturing engineering.
Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of micro/nano-scaled structures, materials, devices, systems as well as related micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications. Micromachines is indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Ei Compendex, dblp, and other databases. Its 2023 impact factor is 3.0. To support the development of Micromachines, Micromachines is inviting interested and eligible researchers in the micro/nano robotics and related filed to join the Editorail Board Member of Micromachines. You can find more information about the role and responsibilities on this website.
The Materials Innovation Lab at the University of Texas at Austin, led by Prof. D. Emma Fan, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join our team. The position focuses on innovative intelligent materials and robotic devices for environmental applications. Funding is available for U.S. citizens or permanent residents from underrepresented groups, including women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, first-generation college graduates, and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We offer a competitive salary, and the position will begin in January 2025. A few PhD positions in active matter for bioapplication are also available (no citizenship requirement). Apply by sending your CV and references to More info.