Nominations for MARSS2019 Best Application Paper Award
(alphabetical order)
- Design and characterization of a MEMS probe scanner for on-chip Atomic Force Microscopy
M. Maroufi, A. Alipour, H. Alemansour, R. Moheimani
University of Texas at Dallas, US - Pick and release of micro-objects: an actuation-free method to change the conformity of a capillary contact
A. Iazzolinoa, Y. Tourtita,b, A. Chafaïb, T. Gileta, P. Lambertb, L. Tadrista
aUniversity of Liège, BE; bUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, BE - Tumbling magnetic microrobots for biomedical applications
C. Bi, E.E. Niedert, G. Adam, E. Lambert, L. Solorio, C.J. Goergen, D.J. Cappelleri
Purdue University, US