Nominations for MARSS2019 Best Conference Paper Award
(alphabetical order)
- Independent position control of two magnetic microrobots via rotating magnetic field in two dimensions
M. Salehizadeh, Z. Li, E. Diller
University of Toronto, CA - Model-based Q Factor control for photothermally excited microcantilevers
M.G. Rupperta, B.S. Routleya, A.J. Fleminga, Y.K. Yonga, G.E. Fantnerb
aUniversity of Newcastle, AU; bÉcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH - Soft continuous surface for micromanipulation driven by light-controlled hydrogels
E. Choia, H.-H. Jeonga, T. Qiua, P. Fischera,b, S. Palagic,a
aMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, DE; bUniversity of Stuttgart, DE; cIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pontedera, IT